The pressure of the first blog post…

Well hello there!

I’ve been umming and ahhing over starting a blog for a LONG time. What you’re probably wondering is, what will this blog be about? I want this to be a place to give ideas on adventures you and your family can experience, both big and small.

When COVID quarantine and lockdown started in Minnesota in the spring of 2020, and the four of us (husband Andrew, my two tween sons and I) were feeling stuck (and a little crazy), I focused on finding interesting spots around us to explore. I’ll be posting in detail about these places and giving them my honest reviews.

I’ll give you my real and honest reviews!

Now I know there are a ton of travel/adventure blogs out there. Honestly I’ve found a lot of them to be a bit disheartening because they focus on families that are traveling the world for endless amounts of time or have some major sponsorships. If you’re reading my blog for perfectly planned itineraries, Disney trips, glamorous/high end travel, recipes, decorating ideas or parenting advice, I’m gonna be honest; this blog won’t be your thing! If you’re looking for real reviews (the good, the bad, the hilarious and the major fails), Minnesota and Midwest focused locations (plus more later on), traveling on a budget and working with limited vacation time, then I’m your lady!

Now as my boys would say, I’m a total noob when it comes to pretty much anything involving technology! They laughed at me and thought I was kidding when I told them I’m starting a blog (thanks lovely children). They did ask if I’m going to have “merch” though, which was hilarious! The answer to that is no, by the way. With my level of technical expertise, will this be the prettiest and most put together blog you’ve ever seen? Nope! But I hope it will not only help you discover somewhere new, but give you enough info to help you decide if it’s somewhere you want to venture or not.

So thank you for taking this journey with me! Hold onto your hat – it could be a bumpy ride!!!

Stay tuned for my upcoming Day Trip posts over the next few days/weeks.

Please comment below to say hello! Or you can give me some encouragement as I navigate this whole new blogging world.

36 thoughts on “The pressure of the first blog post…”

  1. I’m super excited to see where you have gone and new travels ahead. We love finding new places in MN!

    1. Well Andrew is my editor…he’s like do you actually want me to edit? I told him no, just like the major things, make me feel good and don’t touch the rest! It’s gotta sound like me right!?!?

  2. Can’t wait to read more, and try some of these “recommended” adventures!!


  3. You always seem to find great places to explore. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

      1. This is so exciting Emily! I can’t wait to hear about great spots to visit and to hike!!! Not being from MN, I struggle to find good places to go so this will be such a help!!!
        Your blog is awesome!

  4. Hi Em,
    I’ve been following your adventures for a while! Now you’ll have it all in one spot. You inspire me to get out of the house. Congrats!

  5. Love it! I’ve always enjoyed learning about local gems from you on FB. Now I get all the details!

  6. I am super excited to learn more about what this beautiful state has to offer. Love that this blog post will be relatable, because not all of us have the money to travel the world (or even out of state) or even the time to do so. But a quick day trip or weekend getaway can really help you reconnect and reset.

  7. Awesome blog! Your blog looks and feels very professional! I am the city clerk for the city of Wykoff and the host for your next adventure in August! I hope it meets and exceeds all your expectations! If not I’m always a phone call away! I am definitely going to go through the places on your list and put a few of them on my bucket list! My husband and I enjoy short, quick trips throughout the Midwest and why not go where they have already been tested out!

    1. Thanks so much Becky! We’re so lucky in Minnesota to have so many amazing places nearby to explore! I haven’t even told my boys about our upcoming Wykoff adventure yet but I think they’re going to love it! 🙂

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