Pattison State Park, Superior WI

Need to know:

Where: 6294 WI-35, Superior, WI 54880

Was it worth it? Yes, I give it an 8/10

Highlight: The trail that goes around Big Manitou Falls

Suggested time here: 1-3 hours

When we visited: December 2020

Wisconsin's biggest waterfall

Visit Wisconsin’s Biggest Waterfall!

Honestly before last week I didn’t even know this park existed. I was looking for some frozen waterfalls to check out that were close to the north shore and this little gem popped up in my search. We drove about 2.5 hours to this beauty of a spot and ended having the place entirely to ourselves!

Brief History Lesson

This park has an interesting history! During our stay in a Superior hotel, the maintenance man gave us the story. The park is named after Martin Pattison, a lumber man and miner. He became wealthy after owning a successful lumber company and then later on an iron ore business. He was so wealthy that he purchased a whole city block on the harbor in Superior and built his mansion. (The Fairlawn Mansion).

In 1917 Pattison found out there was a plan to build a power dam on the Black River which would’ve destroyed Big Manitou Falls so he secretly purchased 660 acres along the river. He gave the land to the State of Wisconsin the next year. What a generous guy!

Getting into the park

With about 9 inches of fresh snow, the parking situation wasn’t ideal. Both the small parking lot across from the big falls and the one by the little falls had not been plowed. After attempting to get into one of the lots, our SUV got partly stuck so we parked at the main lot by the campground (which was semi-plowed).

Following the footprints that led to the lake we came to the start of a 2 mile loop. This loop trail connects to another and leads to Little Manitou Falls. We decided to go in search of the big falls first. There is a tunnel by the lake that goes under the road and across to the big falls, perfect! Before finding the tunnel we didn’t know how to safely get across the highway. It’s not a highway you’d want to walk across because it was fairly busy and had no shoulder. My littlest was sad I wouldn’t let him pee in the tunnel. You’re welcome.

Interfalls Lake. There is a 2 mile loop trail around the lake which connects to the trail to Little Manitou Falls
tunnel that leads to the waterfall
This bridge goes under the highway across to Big Manitou Falls

Big Manitou Falls

Wisconsin's biggest waterfall
Tannin in the water gives it a brown hue.

Big Manitou Falls is Wisconsin’s biggest waterfall at 165 feet!
The water was still flowing pretty hard underneath the ice and snow but the snow cover made it tough to see just how big and impressive these falls really are!

overlook at Wisconsin's biggest waterfall

We followed the snow tracks around, stopping at a few overlooks along the way. This whole area is stunning! Word of caution, there are a lot of icy/snowy stairs here. We didn’t even see them under the snow but we all kind of slid down them a few times.

I’ve included a link to the trail map below. The area by the big falls has a 1 mile trail and it’s a must do! It looked like Narnia! We soaked up quite a bit of time at the bridge area because it was so gorgeous! Another cool find is that the park has set up a few selfie stations at the overlooks so you can get some good selfies with amazing backdrops!

We didn’t make our way to Little Manitou Falls because it was going to be a 3 mile hike in the deep snow. Knowing we had a big snowshoe day the next day we didn’t want to wear little legs out on day one. If you don’t want to do the 3 mile hike but still want to see the falls, you could park in the lot right next to the little falls (pending it being snowplowed).

We could’ve spent a lot more time at this park than we did and we hope to go back in the summer to see how different it looks! If you’re looking for some beautiful winter scenery and you don’t mind a trip up north, I highly recommend checking this park out!

Then, if you’re up north already, you’ll have to check out another amazing set of falls nearby (post coming soon)! If you’re staying around the Twin Cities and want to explore some local falls, check out my post on Vermillion Falls in Hastings, it’s a great hidden gem!

Have you been to Pattison State Park before? If not, have you heard of it? Please comment below, I’d love to hear!

Happy Exploring!

More Info:

  • Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash
  • Park is open year round from 6 am- 11 pm
  • Seasonal Camping
  • Wisconsin State Park fees apply
  • Don’t walk across the highway, use the tunnel that runs underneath the highway
  • Restrooms were not open in December (hence the desire for someone to pee in the tunnel)

4 thoughts on “Pattison State Park, Superior WI”

  1. I’m so glad you highlighted this park. Hopefully we will be in Duluth in August for the Bluesfest and we will be sure to see this park!

  2. Great Blog! Thanks for sharing. Really makes me misses the Midwest! Wouldn’t mind more pics. It aphid be interesting to see it in the simmer. Return visit perhaps!?

    1. Thanks for having a peek at it Jeff! We’ve got some beautiful spots here in the Midwest don’t we!? Just have to brave the cold at times, ha! Yep, we definitely want to go back to Pattison in the summer. I’ve got another post on more frozen falls coming up next week!

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