Buttermilk Falls- Hidden Gem in Wisconsin

Where: Trailhead is at Standing Cedars Buffalo Skull, 2859 55th Ave, Osceola, WI 54020

Was it worth it: Yes, I give it a 10/10

Highlight: The fun of climbing down/up the hill next to the falls

Suggested time here: 1-2+ hours

When we visited: March 2021

My Hesitation in Posting

I wasn’t sure at first if I was going to post the location of this amazing spot but after a lot of consideration, I decided I won’t tag the location on social media, but instead, only put it on my blog. I really do want you to experience the beauty here but please promise you will leave it EXACTLY as you found it. There was not a piece of trash anywhere when we were here so please ‘leave no trace’ when you visit.

Getting There

The road to the trailhead has the potential to be dicey, just so you know that before heading out. This shouldn’t be a prob if you have a vehicle with four wheel drive. If not, make sure the conditions are right before driving out there. If it’s been super rainy or if it’s snowy/icy, save it for another day. We had to go very SLOWLY to avoid the big holes/mud pits/puddles/ruts but our little Chevy Equinox came through in the end!


Once you turn off on 55th Ave (Drawbridge Drive) you’ll come to a T and you’ll want to continue straight ahead on a small dirt road. The look of the road and lack of signage may have you doubting yourself but continue on adventurers, it’ll be worth it! About a half mile down the dirt road (down the hill) you’ll see the trailhead parking lot on the right.

No Mention of the Falls on the Signage

You’ll find yourself checking the sign for a mention of a waterfall but you won’t find one. I told you, this place really is almost unheard of! This area is partly conserved and protected by Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy and Wisconsin DNR.

The Hike

It’s only a short hike of about 1 mile to get to the falls. To start, walk straight past the sign through the prairie. You’ll come to a wooded area and you’ll see a few small trails that veer off on to the right. These lead to a little ravine area by Buttermilk Creek. Keep going straight a bit further and then you’ll come up to a more pronounced path that leads to the right into the woods.

If you turn right here and listen closely, you’ll hear the falls and know you’re on the right track! The path becomes narrow and up ahead of you and there are big drop offs on both sides. There is one section of path here that has been washed out so you’ll probably want to help little ones over this spot.

The Descent

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve made it to the falls! The only problem is you’re at the top of the falls. Getting down is the fun part though, the part that adventures are made of! It just depends on how much trust you want to place in a tiny rope that someone else has placed there! We opted for the rope and rappelled our way down. It was not very difficult but it was fun… and SUPER muddy and wet! Since you’re going to have to either cross over the base of the waterfall to get down or go through the water pooled at the bottom, you’ll probably want waterproof shoes or non-slip sandals.

The Falls

Here’s the part where you just stand back and take it all in! We couldn’t get enough of this waterfall, it’s just gorgeous! The very best part about it as that it’s so untouched! There are no fancy stairs down, no viewing platforms, just a raw waterfall sitting out in the woods!

Heading Back

Before you leave, be sure to check out the area around the creek (at the top of the falls). We went back on the same trail we took to get there. I did hear on an online forum that there may be a kind of loop trail that goes back so if you go and do it, please let me know in the comments below!

Once you head back up, explore a bit around the creek!

Definitely a Hidden Gem

I know we will DEFINITELY be returning to Buttermilk Falls. I can’t wait to see it surrounded in green this summer! There’s just such a magic about this place that I’m excited for you to experience it as well! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to check it out and tell me what you thought of it! If you’re looking for another great waterfall in the area, check out my post on Cascade Falls in Osceola (HERE)!

Happy Exploring!

More Info

  • There are NO restrooms here
  • Take all trash out with you (no trash cans here)
  • There are no stairs down to the falls, it involves a fairly adventurous climb
  • The walk to the falls is not stroller/wheelchair friendly
  • The road to the parking lot may/may not be accessible depending on conditions

7 thoughts on “Buttermilk Falls- Hidden Gem in Wisconsin”

  1. Just went there today. It was absolutely gorgeous! Had the whole place to myself. Best waterfall I’ve seen this year!

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