Chimney Rock, Hastings MN

Where: Chimney Rock Scientific & Natural Area, Joan Ave, Hastings, MN 55033
DNR Site:

Was it worth it? Yes, if you combine with another stop. I give it a 5/10

Highlight: Rock Structure, if you like rocks! (It’s about the only thing here)

Suggested time here: Up to 1 hour, longer if you want to explore the woods

When we visited: May 2021

Getting Here

Google Maps will take you to the dirt road and when you see the sign above, just keep going a bit further past the private residence and it’ll be on the right hand side of the road up the hill. You can park along the shoulder. You can see a small brown DNR sign and Chimney Rock from the road. In the summer you may not be able to see it through the leaves so just watch for the little brown sign in the photo below.

View from the road

The Star of the Show, Chimney Rock

Now for your geology lesson, this rock pillar is made from St. Peter Sandstone, which originated about 453-458 million years ago. The 30 foot column was used as a landmark by settlers in Dakota County in the 1800’s and now here it is, still standing!

You don’t even have to hike to it, it’s only about a 30 second walk from the road. It’s been well and truly spray painted and carved into by people (makes me a little sad) but it’s still worth a look, especially if you are interested in rocks!

Another Rock Structure

If you keep walking past the first rock column, you’ll come up to another big rock structure. My boys had fun climbing around on this one.

  • rock structure
  • rock structure
  • rock structure

Off Trail Hiking

There aren’t any actual trails or facilities at this site but feel free to wander around the woods. There are actually 76 acres to explore. Just be sure to keep away from the areas marked with ‘Private Property’ signs.

rock structure
Be sure to walk all the way around the rocks so you don’t miss out on this part!

Random Hastings Find

I liked this place because of the randomness. It’s just a big rock column sitting among the farm fields and I think it was worth the stop. Would I go back time and time again? Nope, but if you are going to Vermillion Falls, this place is just down the road. See my post on Vermillion Falls HERE.

Have you been to Chimney Rock before? Please comment below!

Happy Exploring!

More Info:

  • There are no restrooms
  • No actual trails
  • Parking is just on the shoulder of the road
  • Plan on it being a short stop to add onto another activity/outing

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