Willow River State Park, Hudson, WI

Where: 1034 Co Hwy A, Hudson, WI 54016

Was it worth it? Yes, I give it a 10/10

Highlight: Swimming in the falls

Suggested time here: 2-4 hours

When we visited: This post has pics from June 2020 but we go often!

Midwest Wonder of the World

Maybe that heading is a slight exaggeration (if you know me, I never exaggerate ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) but this place is AMAZING! The first time we visited I was shocked that these falls existed in Hudson, Wisconsin! When you get close to the falls it feels like you’re in some faraway land!

Before you go

Word to the wise, have everyone in your group go to the bathroom before you head out. We usually stop at a gas station in Hudson beforehand because there are NO restrooms at the falls. Unless you want to change into a bathing suit in front of the masses of people, I’d suggest wearing your suit under your clothes.

If you’re planning on going in the water, wear shoes that can get wet that are waterfall appropriate. You’ll want something good for walking on rocky surfaces. We always wear sandals with a strap or Crocs because they usually stay on. A few years ago we had an instance of a Croc that fell off and went over the falls! It was somehow reclaimed in the river but that would’ve been an uncomfortable hike back to the car if we wouldn’t have found it.

Weekdays are quieter than weekends. This place can get NUTS on summer weekends! Also, if you’re able to get there earlier in the morning, you’ll usually beat the crowds and have a better chance at getting photos that aren’t full of people.

State Park Pass Info

You’ll need a Wisconsin State Park pass to access this park. Click HERE to see the website with exact info. Daily passes are $13 for an out of state car and you’ll only be able to buy a daily pass if the office is open (it was closed for a long time for COVID).

Getting to the Falls

You can get to the falls via a few different trails within the state park. Check out the park MAP. If you park at the Willow Falls parking lot (this lot has been redone in the last couple years to provide WAY more space) you can walk a short but STEEP 1/2 mile paved trail to the falls. If you have a stroller, a wheelchair or are with anyone that may struggle with a steep incline, this hill is a no go!

Another way to the falls is by either the Burkhardt trails (which bring you in from the top of the falls) or by the nature center, the Little Falls Trail. We usually park in a small lot by the boat launch (don’t be deceived by the boat launch, there’s no actual lake anymore). This trail will have you go through the campground and onto the Willow Falls Trail to the falls. If you’re snowshoeing, there are a few trails to choose from but only the Falls Snowshoe Trail leads to the falls.

Just pick a parking lot and trail depending on what length of hike you’re in the mood for. On days I want my kids to really run out their energy we’ll park by the boat launch. If we’re in a rush to get to the falls, we go for the short and steep hill.

You’ll cross over some ICY spring water on your climb up towards the upper falls

The Falls

Prepare to be amazed! The falls are absolutely beautiful! Be sure to hang around for awhile and explore both sides of the falls. You can get to the other side either via the bridge or a walk across the falls. Although I would only suggest walking across the falls if the water isn’t flowing too intensely. It can be really strong so don’t just send your kids across on their own before testing it out!

But Wait, There’s More to See

Be sure to check out the areas around the falls before you leave. Pending a COVID closure, head across the bridge and hike up the big set of stairs. You’ll get a great lookout of the falls/river area from up there! Also, if you take the small trail alongside the creek, you’ll start to feel like you’ve got the place to yourself. It always seems to be quieter there.

Rock Scramblin’

My boys could spend hours upon hours climbing on the rocks surrounding the falls.

If you’ve got little ones, some spots can be tricky/slippery so just watch your step and hold onto little hands.

Must See Waterfall

If you haven’t been to Willow River State Park before, this is a place you truly don’t want to miss! Even if you have been here, it’s a place you just keep on wanting to come back to! Pack up a picnic and plan on spending at least a few hours here.

If you’re looking for another amazing Wisconsin waterfall that flies under the radar, check out my post on Buttermilk Falls HERE.

Have you been here before? Do you love it as much as I do? Please comment below!

Happy Exploring!

More Info

  • There are no restrooms by the falls
  • Dogs welcome on leash
  • The shortest path to the falls is VERY steep!
  • A Wisconsin State Park pass is required
  • Bring water & snacks
  • Wear something that can get wet
  • Wear some shoes for going in the water (or bring some extras)

3 thoughts on “Willow River State Park, Hudson, WI”

  1. I canโ€™t believe we have never been here! This summer for sure! Thanks Emily for bringing this beautiful spot to life!

  2. Iโ€™ll be headed here in about a week with my 13 month old. Would you suggest I wear her rather than bring our stroller?

    1. Sorry I didn’t see this sooner Jen, but if you haven’t gone yet, I’d definitely recommend a baby carrier versus stroller! ๐Ÿ™‚

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